Rivelato Aatrox, the Darkin BladeAatrox, the Darkin Blade, revealed


Aatrox, the Darkin Blade emerge dalle ombre della storia per appagare la sua sete di sangue e battaglia. L’abile guerriero affetta i suoi nemici e ne assorbe energia vitale tramite la sua lama. Aatrox consuma vita per utilizzare le proprie abilità.



Blood Well (Passiva)

Aatrox conserva una porzione della vita spesa per utilizzare le abilità nella Blood Well. Alla morte, Aatrox attinge energia dalla Blood Well, recuperando gli HP conservati all’interno. Quando Aatrox non è in combattimento, la Blood Well si prosciuga lentamente.


Dark Flight 

Aatrox si alza in cielo e colpisce il terreno. I nemici nell’area d’impatto vengono sbalzati in aria e subiscono danno, mentre i nemici nell’area limitrofa subiscono solo danno.


Blood Thirst  

Aatrox si cura ogni terzo attacco. Attivando Blood Thirst, l’abilità si trasforma in Blood Price

  • Blood Price: Ogni terzo attacco Aatrox causa danno aggiuntivo anzichè curarsi. Aatrox perde vita in base al danno causato.


Blades of Torment 

Aatrox lancia un attacco lineare che rallenta i nemici. Aatrox recupera parte della vita, spesa per Blades of Torment, quando colpisce un nemico.



All’attivazione, Aatrox danneggia i nemici intorno a lui. Per la durata di  Massacre, Aatrox ottiene attack speed e range. Massacre non ha costo.



Aatrox è un guerriero leggendario, uno dei cinque sopravvissuti dell’antica razza dei Darkin. Brandisce un’enorme spada con grazia ed eleganza, decimando intere legioni con uno stile ipnotico. A ogni nemico ucciso, la lama di Aatrox, che sembra essere viva, si nutre di sangue, dandogli forza e alimentando il suo coreografico massacro.

Il primo racconto su Aatrox risale alle origini della storia ricordata dagli umani. Narra di una guerra tra due grandi fazioni, il Protettorato e i Signori dei Maghi. Nell’ultimo giorno del conflitto, l’esercito del Protettorato si trovò in inferiorità numerica, stanco e mal equipaggiato. Gli uomini erano pronti all’inevitabile sconfitta.

Quando tutto sembrava perduto, Aatrox comparve tra di loro. Gli bastarono poche parole per convincere i soldati a lottare fino alla fine, e poi si lanciò in battaglia. La sua presenza ispirò i guerrieri disperati: all’inizio rimasero incantati dall’eroe sconosciuto, che falcidiava i nemici come se fosse una cosa sola con la sua lama. Presto l’esercito del Protettorato si sentì pervaso dalla voglia di lottare. I soldati seguirono Aatrox, combattendo con la furia di dieci uomini, fino alla più improbabile delle vittorie.

Aatrox sparì dopo la battaglia, ma non la nuova forza del Protettorato. Quel sorprendente trionfo fu il primo di tanti altri, che portarono alla sconfitta della fazione avversaria. I guerrieri vennero accolti dal popolo come grandi eroi, ma qualcosa di oscuro si era insinuato nelle loro menti. Col tempo, i ricordi del conflitto svanirono, lasciando spazio a una sinistra epifania: gli atti di eroismo, in realtà, erano stati brutali atrocità.

Racconti come questo appaiono in varie culture. Se fossero tutti veri, la presenza di Aatrox avrebbe cambiato il corso delle più importanti guerre della storia. Nonostante queste leggende lo dipingano come un salvatore durante tempi di difficoltà, la vera eredità di Aatrox potrebbe essere un mondo di guerra e sofferenza.

“C’è chi combatte per onore, chi per la gloria. L’importante è combattere” – Aatrox

Aatrox, the Darkin Blade emerges from the shadows of history to slake his thirst for blood and battle. This deft warrior cuts down his foes and drains their life force with his blade. Aatrox’s abilities cost health to cast.



Blood Well (Passive)

Aatrox stores a portion of his abilities’ health cost in the Blood Well, which slowly drains to a base amount while he is out of combat. When Aatrox loses all of his health, he draws on the Blood Well and recovers the amount of health stored.

Dark Flight

Aatrox rises into the air and slams into a target location. Enemies within the impact zone are knocked up and take damage, while nearby enemies take damage.

Blood Thirst

Aatrox heals himself on every third attack. Activating Blood Thirst toggles Blood Price.

  • Blood Price: Every third attack now deals bonus damage instead of healing Aatrox. Aatrox loses health based on the bonus damage dealt.

Blades of Torment

Aatrox fires a line attack that damages and slows enemies caught in its path. Aatrox is refunded a part of the health cost if Blades of Torment strikes an enemy champion.


Upon activation, Aatrox instantly damages enemies in an area around him. For the duration of Massacre, Aatrox gains bonus attack speed and range. Massacre has no health cost.


Aatrox is a basic attack dependent melee champion who excels as a duelist and team fighter. His built-in sustain and escape mechanics make him an ideal fit for top lane.


The sustain from Blood Thirst keeps Aatrox’s health topped off, allowing him to farm throughout the laning phase. Aatrox excels as a duelist, able to switch to Blood Price for heavy burst damage when trading with his lane opponent. After the exchange, Aatrox can toggle back to Blood Thirst to top off his health. When he’s ready to finish the job, Massacre adds significantly to an already potent burst combo.

If the lane isn’t going Aatrox’s way, the knock-up effect from Dark Flight can be used to set up ganks for his jungler. Or, if Aatrox has bullied his enemy out of lane, he can push aggressively, safe in the knowledge that the disengage from Dark Flight and Blades of Torment’s slow will aid his escape when enemies come charging. Even when things go totally wrong, Blood Well offers a second chance to secure kills or make a quick exit.

Team fights

Aatrox’s mobility gives him an innate ability to pressure enemy carries in team fights. Blood Thirst grants Aatrox plenty of sustain as he tangos with enemy initiators and tanks. When he sees an opportunity to reach an enemy carry, Dark Flight closes the gap and allows the punishment to begin. When Aatrox is in deep, the area of effect burst and extra range from Massacre, and slow on Blades of Torment prevent high-value targets from escaping. All the while the consistent healing from Blood Thirst and resurrection effect from Blood Well keep him alive long enough to cut through enemy squishies.

If Aatrox’s team is on the defensive, a well-aimed Blades of Torment can slow multiple enemies and open a window for retreating allies to slip away. Alternately, he can kite enemies with Dark Flight, and create an opportunity for the remainder of his team to turn and counter-initiate. If Aatrox is focused, Blood Thirst’s sustain and the Blood Well keep him in the fight, giving his teammates an opportunity to cut through foes as he resurrects and delivers the killing blow.



Aatrox is a legendary warrior, one of only five that remain of an ancient race known as the Darkin. He wields his massive blade with grace and poise, slicing through legions in a style that is hypnotic to behold. With each foe felled, Aatrox’s seemingly living blade drinks in their blood, empowering him and fueling his brutal, elegant campaign of slaughter.

The earliest tale of Aatrox is as old as recorded history. It tells of a war between two great factions remembered only as the Protectorate and the Magelords. Over time, the Magelords won a series of crushing victories, leaving them on the brink of obliterating their sworn enemy forever. On the day of their final confrontation, the Protectorate army found themselves outnumbered, exhausted, and poorly equipped. They braced for inevitable defeat.

Just when all hope seemed lost, Aatrox appeared among the ranks of the Protectorate. With but a few words, he urged the soldiers to fight to the last before throwing himself into battle. His presence inspired the desperate warriors. At first, they could only watch in awe as this unknown hero cleaved through their enemies, his body and blade moving in unison as if one being. Soon, the warriors found themselves imbued with a potent thirst for battle. They followed Aatrox into the fray, each fighting with the furious strength of ten until they had won a most unlikely victory.

Aatrox vanished after that battle, but the Protectorate army’s newfound fury did not. Their surprising triumph led to many more until they were able to finally return home victorious. Their countrymen hailed them as heroes, but though they had saved their entire civilization from destruction, darkness lingered in the mind of each warrior. Something within them had changed. Over time, their memories of battle faded, only to be replaced with a grim revelation: their acts of heroism were, in fact, brutal atrocities committed by their own hands.

Tales like these appear among the myths of many cultures. If they are all to be believed, Aatrox’s presence has changed the course of some of the most important wars in history. Though these stories remember him as a savior in dark times, Aatrox’s true legacy may be a world filled with conflict and strife.

“Some fight for honor, some fight for glory. It matters only that you fight.” – Aatrox